I write my first blog post, wondering if …

I have what it takes to capture the reader’s interest. At this point in time, with my husband away, my thoughts tend to veer towards the broader meaning of life.

There is so much to see and do as life goes on around us. Even in my worst moments, I am reassured by the seasons changing, people laughing, children playing, and the beauty around me. At the same time, I often feel as if I’m on the outside looking in, as I often surround myself within my safe walls, only risking trips outside for medical appointments and the odd social occasion or errand.

In spite of having many chronic illnesses and much pain, there is so much more to life in a broader sense, squarely putting my health into perspective in comparison to the wide world of wonder just outside my door.

It is important for me to force myself outside of my comfort zone in order to experience life completely. That is my current goal as I recover from a long stretch of ill health and a great deal of pain. Now that it is more-or-less manageable, I need to risk more pain and exhaustion by getting out and doing, rather than just being. There is a gorgeous world to explore with so much to offer, and I want to be part of it.

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